DLIMI is now Signum



Right people. Relevant messages.

Give your decision-makers access to what they need to know, when they need to know it.  

By catering your information to crucial decision-makers you ensure that your message is relevant and understood.

We provide unique analytical tools, prepare analyses that support your messaging and strengthen your credibility with decisionmakers that are crucial to product authorisation and future success.

From The Danish Medicines Council to The Danish Medical Agency for Reimbursement, to Amgros and Danish Regions, the list of Danish authorities involved in the medical sector can seem endless. Prioritise your networking efforts on the right people at the right time to ensure that your message is received by relevant decisionmakers. 

Interdisciplinary decisions in larger groups
The decision to give a patient pharmacological intervention isn’t usually made by one person. It’s an interdisciplinary approach that is often supported by a larger group of clinicians. It’s important to consider the areas of expertise and professional interest of this group if an intervention is going to be successful in the market.

Trends and megatrends
The strategies and principles behind pharmaceutical recommendations are driven by trends and megatrends in the Danish public health care sector. When you know and understand these trends, which include the value-based paradigm and a strategic focus on patient-reported outcomes, you can better plan and manage long-term messaging.

Did you know…

Signum consultants have many years of experience from the pharmaceutical industry and public councils. We can help ensure that you and your stakeholders are aware of these and other market-specific issues and are able to respond appropriately.

Have you considered your internal stakeholders?

Internal stakeholders can be a challenge and a barrier for success, especially if they don’t understand market dynamics. When internal stakeholders become impatient with the process, it’s important to help them understand facts about the Danish market, like:  

  • Formal decisions on which medicines to use in Danish hospitals follow specific steps that require insight and knowledge to manage.
  • The Danish Medicines Council must be able to see the product in a Danish context.
  • The Danish Medicines Council represents different stakeholders with diverse perspectives. All perspectives should be present in your presentation.

Stakeholder • overview

Get across to the right people

Be relevant

Our analyses support relevant messaging to the right people that will get you heard

Strengthen your credibility

When you understand the complex decision making you can adjust your messaging to specific needs and strengthen your credibility

Key opinion leaders

Get an overview of decision-makers and KOLs. Prioritize your networking efforts and focus on what matters most

For more information, please contact

Mikael Bergholdt Asmussen, employee at Signum, Chief Advisor Team Lead Market Access

Mikael Bergholdt Asmussen

Chief Advisor, Team Lead Market Access


+45 60 933 338